
The Volunteering-program in St. Francis and Clare projects that aim to develop and cultivate participants’ intercultural and global skills and thus to promote global citizenship. The program enables project partners and individuals to establish Long-Time Volunteering relationships or Short-Time Volunteering in which they are equal partners, to strengthen partnerships and individual engagement exchange structures. A further goal is for the exchange projects to help implement and raise awareness of the Global South and intercultural experiences. As the project is designed to foster global learning, participants gain a comprehensive picture of the work in our school and the FMSA projects.

Short-Time Volunteering

As a Short Time Volunteer you can join the projects of the FMSA in a period from 1-3 month. You will get tasks according to your skills in smaller projects with specific goals. You are able to stay in one of the local families from our community of St. Paul’s Catholic Parish. As a short time volunteer it is preferred to be trained in a job or doing a university program related to the work fields from our school.


Long-Time Volunteering

The Long Time Volunteer is staying in a period of 4-12 month (on request longer) and can get more responsible work, since the period is longer and leaves more space for bigger projects. Because of this, the Volunteer is not required to have any qualifications. But, skills, interest and self management are necessarily to maintain slightly easier work on a long time period.

For German Volunteers: we have collaborations for Long-Time Volunteers (12 month) with “Missionszentrale der Franziskaner”. For this program are different regulations on hand. The Volunteer Service is offering a full coverage of money and organisational issues whereby the stay is recognized as learning program called “weltwaerts”. For more information visit the the official website to apply here.

See the Stories of former Volunteers:

General information for every Volunteer

To become a volunteer at all, we have a set program which is flexible and gives guidelines to our newcomers and stakeholders. To clarify the tasks and rules for the volunteers, we worked out the program in which the volunteer is supported and secured in order to work in this difficult environment. 


This things is a volunteer supposed to do in advance:


·         Every Volunteer is required to prepare him/her-self for the trip to this different environment and life. Must do preparations are as followed:

o   Insurance

o   Visa/Permit

o   Disease Prevention

o   Researches about Zambia


·         Is organized by the FMSA, most likely in a family of the community and temporarily in the Convent. It is obliged to pay the costs of accommodation and food everywhere.


·         Normal work time takes place from 8:00h to 17:00h from Monday to Friday. As a volunteer, you will not be paid for any of your work. The time can be adjusted to the specific work field.


·         No transport money or other payment will be given to you.

Read more about precise information in our Volunteer Reader (comimg soon).
